Friday, February 25, 2011

Plews' final post from Latvia

What a momentous, educational experience for all of us. As team leader I feel honoured to have travelled and explored the city of Riga, Latvia with a group of passionate and curious professionals who as a group have united to learn much about a society and country so very different from our own. Wishing all the best in their next adventures in the world of education.

All that Glitters is not gold.

Our final greetings from Latvia. 

Our last day has been, like every day, lovely.  

We began this morning at the exceptional Small Guild ( Which was a privilege to be invited into.  Our host, Vajerie, managed to get us access to the building for our round up meeting this morning.  We were in good company too, following in the footsteps of Prince Charles, President Bush and even Queen Elizabeth! 

The building is extraordinary, the work of crasftmen through the ages.  34 different guilds represented in the wood work of the roof makes for a rich and grand visual environment.  The wallpaper was pressed cork, made into intricate designs. 

We impressed upon Vajerie our impressions of a country steeped in tradition and proud of their origins. Patriotism permeates the very woodwork of the buildings and the souls of their inhabitants.  How do we bottle that and take it back?  Shall we start with teaching our students to have pride in themselves before they have pride in their country? A challenge indeed. 

We explored the Grand Hall where they have balls and concerts and memories of Maria standing watching the grandeur of the Ball in the Sound of Music resounded.  The floor to celling glass windows were exceptional and cast coulourful lights upon the floor.  

We gave our gifts to Vajerie which was very emotional.  She has been a suburb hosts and we genuinely feel that we have made a friend for life.  She was so grateful for our gift and we were humbled by her expressions of thanks for us coming.  She is truly an amazing soul and we are so glad to have met her. 

Finally, Vajerie led us to the traditional Latvian Markets and we were then given free time to explore the amazing city.  We all had individual experiences of the evening, let loose to pursue our passions for art, museums, history or just plain shopping.  

It is with great sadness that we bid farewell to the friends that we have made here. Our chatter is very much focused on ways that we might keep this experience going for future generations of teachers, given the recent cut backs in funding for trips such as ours.  A week to truly reflect on our own practice and the practice of other exceptional teachers in invaluable and should the opportunity arise we would strongly encourage you to support any such initiative in our area. 

With sincere Love, from Latvia. 

Thursday - Day 5 (Glitter Snow and Narnia)

"A noble man is the mark of a humane education".
Anninmuizas Secondary School Teacer.

Yes! – snow like glitter fell this morning on our way to our latest school giving an almost magical feel to our journey and MAGIC sums up what we found when we got there.

The school which was Russian was a good half hour drive out of Riga passing some amazing architecture along the way.  Unfortunately we got to the school a little late but this did not detract the incredible warm welcome that we were given on arrival.  A line of very smartly dressed staff and students were waiting inside the front door of the school all ready with warm smiles and handshakes in abundance.

First, we were taken to a room to hang our coats and bags and then led into the school’s staffroom to be given an articulate speech by the students about the school and what they had planned for us during our visit and PLANNED they certainly had.  We were given the option of choosing one class out of four to observe. These classes were a maths, drama, art and happiness and well being class. I was intrigued the latter and chose, with two others to attend it.

For my class I was given my own individual interpreter making it easy to be transfixed by what I saw, inparticular, the incredible teacher teaching 10 year old children the importance of family life and what to do with any sadness they may feel now or in the past. Aslan (the lion in The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe) sprang to mind in the scene where Lucy, Edmund, Peter and Susan are presented with their crowns thus becoming Kings and Queens of Narnia for reasons such as bravery, courage, kind hearts and strong minds.  Indeed, this school should be renamed Narnia because the same characteristics are evident in both the staff and students. Some of these characteristics must be attributed to the school's scientific teaching of humane pedagogy.

At the end of the class we were led back to the staffroom where refreshments were plentiful. We were given a lecture about humane pedagogy (see below)and I for one found this concept fascinating.  We were able to feed back to staff and students our thoughts about the lessons we had witnessed and found we had all had similar positive experiences. Speeches were then given by the student council followed by an informal question and answer session.  Many photographs were taken before we left and promises were made (which I will keep) to keep in touch.

Please, please, please all educators out there read A Note on Pedagogy: Humane Education Making a Difference - .Piers Beirne and Meena Alagappan

Да! – снег как блестит, упал сегодня утром на наш путь к нашей последней школе, дающей почти волшебное чувство нашей поездке, и ВОЛШЕБСТВО подводит итог того, что мы находим, когда мы добрались там.

Школа, которая была русским языком, была хорошим получасом, изгоняют из Риги, пропускающей немного удивительной архитектуры по пути. К сожалению мы добрались до школы немного поздно, но это не умаляло невероятный теплый прием, который нам давали по прибытии на. Линия очень энергично одетого штата и студентов ждала в передней двери школы, вполне готовой с теплыми улыбками и рукопожатиями в изобилии.

Сначала, мы были взяты к комнате, чтобы вешать наши пальто и сумки, и затем мы велись в ординаторскую школы, которая будет дана членораздельную речь студентами о школе и что они планировали нас в течение нашего посещения и ПЛАНИРОВАЛИ, они конечно имели. Нам давали возможность выбора одного класса из четыре, чтобы наблюдать. Эти классы были математикой, драмой, искусством и классом благополучия и счастьем. Я был заинтригован последний и выбрал, с двумя другими, чтобы посетить это.

Для моего класса мне давали моего собственного индивидуального переводчика, облегчащего быть пронзенным тем, что я увидел, inparticular, невероятный преподаватель, преподающий 10-летним детям важность семейной жизни и что сделать с любой печалью, которую они могут чувствовать теперь или в прошлом. Aslan (лев во Льве Ведьма и Платяной шкаф) приходил на ум в сцене, где Люси, Эдмунду, Петру и Сьюзен дарят их короны, таким образом становящиеся Королями и Куинсом Narnia по причинам, типа храбрости, храбрости, добрых сердец и глубоких умов. Действительно, эта школа должна быть переименована Narnia, потому что те же самые особенности очевидны и в штате и в студентах. Некоторые из этих особенностей должны быть приписаны научному обучению школы гуманной педагогики.
В конце класса мы были приведены обратно в ординаторскую, где завтрак был обилен. Нам давали лекцию о гуманной педагогике (см. ниже), и я для каждый находит это понятие очаровательным. Мы были в состоянии кормить назад к штату и студентам наши мысли об уроках, которые мы засвидетельствовали и находим, что мы все имели подобные положительные события. Речи тогда давались студенческим советом, сопровожденным неофициальным вопросом и заседанием ответа. Много фотографий были взяты прежде, чем мы уехали, и обещания были сделаны (который я буду держать) поддерживать контакт.

Пожалуйста, пожалуйста, понравьтесь, что все воспитатели там читают Ноту относительно Педагогики: Гуманное Образование, Делающее Разницу - .Piers Beirne и Meena Alagappan

Wednesday - Day 4 (Water World)

JKi's Dream Come True - The Baltic Sea

Apologies to our followers for not updating the blog yesterday, but as you will see herein, we had a rather good reason for delaying it one day.

Alas, we should not jump ahead.  In the morning we attended Bulduri Horticultural Secondary School, in Jurmala.  Approximately 20 minutes drive from Central Riga the bus journey afforded us a look at different Latvian architecture. The school itself is steeped in history, and upon entrance you are afforded the grand view of the original buildings (Circa early 1900s).  The school has recently celebrated 100 years of teaching Gardening and is extremely proud of its traditions.  The main school building was minimalistic in its styling and quite a bit colder than the other schools we had visited.  An entire wing had recently closed due to lack of numbers (a definite trend in Latvian schools as we have discovered). 

After viewing a presentation from the teachers we saw some students work in floristry and design.  Interesting (from an educational point of view) the school is constantly evaluating their curriculum because they must now compete for students from other schools.  The curriculum for next year will have the schools already existing landscaping course with a feature of economics to meet student demands.  Evidently a curriculum which is quite responsive to student needs. 

We enjoyed viewing landscape classes in design where students sketched out remarkable works.  Then, the highlight, grafting glass.  In an approach that had our inner Health and Safety triggers tensed, students were handed knives and secateurs, and after a demonstration of how to, learnt through doing.  Little bits of wood were flying everywhere, eyes were narrowly avoided.  However, students were so actively engaged in doing the task it was phenomenal to watch.  Students showed each other how to do it, demonstrated it to others, applied to the teacher when it wasn’t working, and only one cut thumb (huzzah!).

After leaving the school we travelled to the seaside town of Jurmala to what was possibly one of the most incredible experiences of the trip.  Walking out onto the frozen Baltic Sea and standing in the immense vastness of the ice made us all, frankly, quite giddy. Lots of phone calls home ‘Mum, Mum, guess where I am!’

And now, the reason why we didn’t write our blog last night, it was because we were given the gift of tickets to the Latvian National Ballet’s performance of Swan Lake, which was truly exceptional.  We were captivated from start to finish by both the ornate plasterwork of the interior of the building and the dancing.  Upon leaving the sky dropped sparkles on our party in the form of ice catching the lights of the street and as a brave few strolled home through the park we reflected on what was a day of unique experiences and felt very lucky indeed. 

Our guide at Jumala

Students at Jumala

Apologies mūsu sekotājiem ne atjaunināšanu blog vakar, bet kā jūs redzēsiet šeit, mums bija diezgan labs iemesls, lai aizkavētu to par vienu dienu. Diemžēl, mums nevajadzētu lēkt uz priekšu. No rīta mēs apmeklēja Bulduru Dārzkopības vidusskolā, Jūrmalā. Apmēram 20 minūšu braucienā no Rīgas centra autobusa brauciena sniedz mums to apskatīt dažādās Latvijas arhitektūrā. Pašai skolai ir mērcēts vēsturē, un, ierodoties jūs dota grand Ņemot vērā sākotnējās ēkas (apm. jau 1900). Skolas nesen atzīmēja 100 gadu mācību Dārza un ļoti lepojas ar savām tradīcijām. Galvenais skolas ēka minimāls tās dizainu un pavisam nedaudz vēsāks, nekā citās skolās mums bija apmeklējis. Visa spārns bija nesen slēgtu trūkuma dēļ numurus (noteikta tendence Latvijas skolās, jo mēs esam atklājuši). Pēc skata prezentāciju no skolotājiem mēs redzējām daži studenti strādā floristikas un dizaina jomā. Interesanti (no izglītības viedokļa) skola ir pastāvīgi novērtējot to curriculum, jo tie tagad ir konkurēt studentiem no citām skolām. Nākamā gada mācību būs skolas jau ainavu protams ar funkciju ekonomikas, lai apmierinātu skolēnu vajadzības. Acīmredzot mācības, kas ir diezgan atsaucīgi studentu vajadzībām. Mēs baudīja apskatei ainavu klases dizainu, kur skolēni ieplānoja ievērojamo darbu. Tad izcelt, potēšanas stikla. Tāda pieeja, kas bija mūsu iekšējo drošību un veselības aizsardzību rada tensed, studentiem tika nodoti naži un dārza grieznes, un pēc demonstrācijas, kā, iemācījušies darot. Maz biti koka tika peld visur, acis bija šauri izvairīties. Tomēr skolēni bija tik aktīvi iesaistītas darot uzdevums bija fenomenāla skatīties. Studenti parādīja viena otrai, kā to izdarīt, liecina arī citiem, ko piemēro skolotāju, kad tas nav darba, un tikai vienu izcirtni thumb (huzzah!). Pēc aiziešanas no skolas mēs devāmies uz piejūras pilsētā Jūrmalā, kas tika, iespējams, viens no visvairāk neticami pieredzi reisā. Pastaigas, kas uz saldētas Baltijas jūras un stāv milzīgās plašums ledus lika mums, atklāti sakot, diezgan reibinošs. Daudz tālruņa zvanus mājās "Mammu, mammu, domāju, kur es esmu!" Un tagad, iemesls, kāpēc mums nav rakstīt savu blogu pēdējā nakts, tas bija tāpēc, ka mums tika dota dāvana biļetes uz Latvijas Nacionālā baleta veikto Gulbju ezers ", kas bija patiesi ārkārtas. Mums bija captivated no sākuma līdz beigām gan grezni plasterwork par ēkas interjeru un dejas. Pēc aiziešanas no debesīm nokritusi sparkles par mūsu partijas veidā ledus noķert gaismas no ielas un drosmīgs maz pastaigājās mājām caur parku mēs atstaro to, kas bija diena unikālo pieredzi un jutos ļoti laimīgs, patiešām.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Wednesday - Day 4 (Plews Views)

Wednesday was a day of differences and contrasts. We witnessed 'horticultural excellence' in Jumala, teachers passionate about their subject specialism and students learning about practical 'grafting' (creating new growth in trees) What struck me most was the utilitarian infrastructure of the building and I questioned the importance of the learning environment in engaging and motivating all learners (students, teachers and all staff)

Wednesday evening was spent at the National ballet watching the truly magnificient Latvian National ballet perform Swan Lake. The gold guilded pargetry and sculpted silk tutus were sublime!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tuesday-Day 3 (Plews Views)

'We have to do best we can. This is our sacred human responsibility'
A. Einstein

All that we experienced yesterday epitomised Einstein's quote. Both in the verbal and non-verbal communication of all the boys we met, aspirations were extremely high. Their achievement and enjoyment was evident in their workbooks, performances and exhibitions of visual work, in conversations and  in their answers to our many questions and lines of enquiry.
In a world of extreme differences, equality of opportunities for boys and girls in the Riga schools we have visited appeared balanced and fair. Undoubtedley steered, supported and encouraged by parental support in abundance. The single thing I will remember from Day three is the 'Island of happiness', a term used to describe the Boderaja Art and Music School located in an industrial, deprived and 'shabby' community on the outskirts of Riga.

Our focus for Wednesday is to further explore social and cultural similarities and differences, to understand what education different groups of learners are offered and to continue the healthy debate and dialogue we are having as a group. (J.Plews)

Tuesday - Day 3 (The Sound of Music)

Well its the second full day in Latvia. Braving the cold (we may get used to it by the end of the week), we set off to Valdis Zaliitis Primary School. Arriving at the school we were warmly welcomed and  brought to the main hall ( a beautiful hall with stage and fantastic balconies)The room was nothing  compared to what was coming next. After an informative discussion with the deputy principle, we were in for a treat. The children were going to perform and perform they did. The singing was amazing and far better than I had ever seen before in such young children. The dancing to follow was just as delightful with the mixture of smiling faces and fantastic traditional costumes, adding to the enjoyment. After the amazing concert (which brought most of the staff close to tears), we began the tour of the school. We were led to classrooms where children clearly enjoyed learning and worked with focus and independence. Although the teaching styles appear to differ from those in English primary schools, the children seemed to benefit. The best moment for me was when children were working well in groups accross the classroom floor, obviously enjoying the task. A very enjoyable morning!!!

Riga is full of the most fantastic Art Nouveau buildings and after our visit to the school we were treated to a visit to the Art Nouveau museum. Upon entering, we looked upwards through a highly decorated staircase that spiralled upwards. Stunning!  Dating from 1903, the building had been occupied by many families, and was, at one point, a centre of communal living. Underneath the layers of chosen green, pink and brown paint that had adorned the walls over the years was the original decor, as well as the orignal parquet floors. Each room was filled with delicate stained glass windows and light fittings, with designs inspired by nature. The museum is in its infancy and has had many beautiful artefacts gifted to it, from glassware and  china to bedroom furniture. The original kitchen (from where we were offered biscuits to taste) and range is still in situ as is the bathrooom and 'incomparable closet'! We all 'oohed' and 'aahed' our way through the lovely little apartment, and were transformed into turn of the century ladies as we tried on sumptious hats, adorned with flowers and feathers! Art Nouveau; swirly, curly and girly, and making us all admire an earlier, more elegant era.

On to Bolderaja next, over the frozen river and in to a totally contrasting environment. Old Soviet buildings dominate the landscape, this feels really different, the deep snow accentuating the bleakness of the landscape through which we travel ....

Brace yourself for more of the same and better this afternoon! We arrived at Boderaja Art and Music School to a warm welcome and a delicious lunch with the most amazing dessert! Following this, we were entertained by a group of three talented young men, aspiring to be professional musicians, who had composed their own music, with drums, keyboard and guitar. This was just the beginning as we then witnessed a breath taking array of musical performances with a range of instruments, from children as young as six to those who were 15. The pride, composure and sheer brilliance of these performances tugged at heart strings as well as instrumental ones!

Arī tās otro pilnu dienu Latvija. Braving aukstuma (mēs varam pierast pie tā, ko nedēļas beigām), mēs devāmies uz Valda Zaliitis pamatskola. Ierodoties skolā mums bija laipni gaidīti, un ko ar galveno zāli (skaista zāle ar skatuves un fantastisku balkoniem) Istaba bija nekas salīdzinot ar to, kas bija nāk nākamo. Pēc informatīvo diskusiju ar deputāta principu, mums bija par ārstēt. Bērniem gatavojas veikt un veikt viņi. Dziedāšana bija pārsteidzošs, un daudz labāk nekā es jebkad redzējis šādu maziem bērniem. Deju sekot bija tikpat patīkami ar maisījumu smaidošām sejām un fantastisku tradicionālie tērpi, pievienojot baudu. Pēc pārsteidzošu koncerta (kas celta lielākā daļa darbinieku tuvu asarām), mēs sākām tūre skolā. Mums bija radījusi klasēs, kur bērni skaidri bija mācīšanās un strādāja ar fokusu un neatkarību. Kaut arī mācīšanas stilu, šķiet, atšķiras no angļu pamatskolās, bērni likās labumu. Labākais brīdis man bija tad, kad bērni bija labi darbojas grupām visā klasē grīdas, protams, kam uzdevums. Ļoti patīkams rīts! Rīga ir pilna ar visvairāk fantastisks jūgendstila ēkām un pēc mūsu vizītes skolā mēs tika ārstēti ar vizīti jūgendstila muzejs. Ieejot, mēs skatījāmies uz augšu, izmantojot ļoti dekorēts kāpnes, kas spiraled augšu. Apdullināšanu! Kopš 1903, ēkas bija ko aizņem daudzas ģimenes, un bija, ir viens punkts, centrs Koplietojuma uzturēšanās. Zem izvēlētās zaļa, rozā un brūnā krāsu slāņi, kas bija rotāti sienām gadu gaitā bija sākotnējais dekors, kā arī orignal parketa grīdām. Katrā numurā bija piepildīta ar maigu vitrāžas logiem un gaismas ķermeņi, ar zīmējumiem iedvesmots raksturs. Muzejs ir bērna autiņos, un ir bijuši daudzi skaisti artefaktiem apdāvinātu ar to, no stikla un porcelāna, lai guļamistabas mēbeles. Sākotnējā virtuve (no kurienes mēs tika piedāvāti cepumi pēc garšas) un diapazons joprojām uz vietas, kā tas ir bathrooom un "nesalīdzināmas skapis"! Mēs visi "oohed" un "aahed" savu ceļu caur jauki maz dzīvokli, un tika pārveidota par gadsimtu mijas dāmas, kā mēs mēģinājām par sumptious cepures, rotātas ar ziediem un spalvām! Art Nouveau, swirly, cirtainiem un girly, un padarīt mūs visus apbrīnoju agrāk, vairāk elegants laikmetā. Uz Bolderāja nākamo gaitā saldētas upes un uz pilnīgi kontrastējošas vidē. Vecā padomju ēkām dominē ainavas, tas jūtas ļoti dažādi, dziļā sniegā akcentējot aukstums par ainavu, caur kuru mēs ceļojam .... Figūriekavas sevi vairāk par to pašu un labāk šajā pēcpusdienā! Nonācām pie Boderaja Mākslas un mūzikas skolas, siltā laipni un gardas pusdienas ar visvairāk apbrīnojamo desertā! Pēc tam mēs izklaidēs grupa trīs talantīgi jauni cilvēki, cenšas būt profesionāli mūziķi, kas bija sastāvā savu mūziku, ar bungām, tastatūru un ģitāra. Tas bija tikai sākums, jo mēs tad liecinieki elpa ņemot masīvs mūzikas izpildījumu ar virkni instrumentu, no bērniem, jaunieši, kā seši tiem, kas bija 15. Lepnumu, nosvērtību un milzīgais mirdzums šo performances tugged pie sirds stīgām, kā arī instrumentālā tiem