JKi's Dream Come True - The Baltic Sea
Apologies to our followers for not updating the blog yesterday, but as you will see herein, we had a rather good reason for delaying it one day.
Alas, we should not jump ahead. In the morning we attended Bulduri Horticultural Secondary School, in Jurmala. Approximately 20 minutes drive from Central Riga the bus journey afforded us a look at different Latvian architecture. The school itself is steeped in history, and upon entrance you are afforded the grand view of the original buildings (Circa early 1900s). The school has recently celebrated 100 years of teaching Gardening and is extremely proud of its traditions. The main school building was minimalistic in its styling and quite a bit colder than the other schools we had visited. An entire wing had recently closed due to lack of numbers (a definite trend in Latvian schools as we have discovered).
After viewing a presentation from the teachers we saw some students work in floristry and design. Interesting (from an educational point of view) the school is constantly evaluating their curriculum because they must now compete for students from other schools. The curriculum for next year will have the schools already existing landscaping course with a feature of economics to meet student demands. Evidently a curriculum which is quite responsive to student needs.
We enjoyed viewing landscape classes in design where students sketched out remarkable works. Then, the highlight, grafting glass. In an approach that had our inner Health and Safety triggers tensed, students were handed knives and secateurs, and after a demonstration of how to, learnt through doing. Little bits of wood were flying everywhere, eyes were narrowly avoided. However, students were so actively engaged in doing the task it was phenomenal to watch. Students showed each other how to do it, demonstrated it to others, applied to the teacher when it wasn’t working, and only one cut thumb (huzzah!).
After leaving the school we travelled to the seaside town of Jurmala to what was possibly one of the most incredible experiences of the trip. Walking out onto the frozen Baltic Sea and standing in the immense vastness of the ice made us all, frankly, quite giddy. Lots of phone calls home ‘Mum, Mum, guess where I am!’
And now, the reason why we didn’t write our blog last night, it was because we were given the gift of tickets to the Latvian National Ballet’s performance of Swan Lake, which was truly exceptional. We were captivated from start to finish by both the ornate plasterwork of the interior of the building and the dancing. Upon leaving the sky dropped sparkles on our party in the form of ice catching the lights of the street and as a brave few strolled home through the park we reflected on what was a day of unique experiences and felt very lucky indeed.
Our guide at Jumala
Students at Jumala
Apologies mūsu sekotājiem ne atjaunināšanu blog vakar, bet kā jūs redzēsiet šeit, mums bija diezgan labs iemesls, lai aizkavētu to par vienu dienu. Diemžēl, mums nevajadzētu lēkt uz priekšu. No rīta mēs apmeklēja Bulduru Dārzkopības vidusskolā, Jūrmalā. Apmēram 20 minūšu braucienā no Rīgas centra autobusa brauciena sniedz mums to apskatīt dažādās Latvijas arhitektūrā. Pašai skolai ir mērcēts vēsturē, un, ierodoties jūs dota grand Ņemot vērā sākotnējās ēkas (apm. jau 1900). Skolas nesen atzīmēja 100 gadu mācību Dārza un ļoti lepojas ar savām tradīcijām. Galvenais skolas ēka minimāls tās dizainu un pavisam nedaudz vēsāks, nekā citās skolās mums bija apmeklējis. Visa spārns bija nesen slēgtu trūkuma dēļ numurus (noteikta tendence Latvijas skolās, jo mēs esam atklājuši). Pēc skata prezentāciju no skolotājiem mēs redzējām daži studenti strādā floristikas un dizaina jomā. Interesanti (no izglītības viedokļa) skola ir pastāvīgi novērtējot to curriculum, jo tie tagad ir konkurēt studentiem no citām skolām. Nākamā gada mācību būs skolas jau ainavu protams ar funkciju ekonomikas, lai apmierinātu skolēnu vajadzības. Acīmredzot mācības, kas ir diezgan atsaucīgi studentu vajadzībām. Mēs baudīja apskatei ainavu klases dizainu, kur skolēni ieplānoja ievērojamo darbu. Tad izcelt, potēšanas stikla. Tāda pieeja, kas bija mūsu iekšējo drošību un veselības aizsardzību rada tensed, studentiem tika nodoti naži un dārza grieznes, un pēc demonstrācijas, kā, iemācījušies darot. Maz biti koka tika peld visur, acis bija šauri izvairīties. Tomēr skolēni bija tik aktīvi iesaistītas darot uzdevums bija fenomenāla skatīties. Studenti parādīja viena otrai, kā to izdarīt, liecina arī citiem, ko piemēro skolotāju, kad tas nav darba, un tikai vienu izcirtni thumb (huzzah!). Pēc aiziešanas no skolas mēs devāmies uz piejūras pilsētā Jūrmalā, kas tika, iespējams, viens no visvairāk neticami pieredzi reisā. Pastaigas, kas uz saldētas Baltijas jūras un stāv milzīgās plašums ledus lika mums, atklāti sakot, diezgan reibinošs. Daudz tālruņa zvanus mājās "Mammu, mammu, domāju, kur es esmu!" Un tagad, iemesls, kāpēc mums nav rakstīt savu blogu pēdējā nakts, tas bija tāpēc, ka mums tika dota dāvana biļetes uz Latvijas Nacionālā baleta veikto Gulbju ezers ", kas bija patiesi ārkārtas. Mums bija captivated no sākuma līdz beigām gan grezni plasterwork par ēkas interjeru un dejas. Pēc aiziešanas no debesīm nokritusi sparkles par mūsu partijas veidā ledus noķert gaismas no ielas un drosmīgs maz pastaigājās mājām caur parku mēs atstaro to, kas bija diena unikālo pieredzi un jutos ļoti laimīgs, patiešām.
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